Medical school scholarships for two bright students

Medical school scholarships for two bright students

5 November 2014

Two of St Paul’s brightest students are off to study premedical science after being awarded prestigious University of Auckland scholarships.

Head Girl Jessica Chanwai and Year 13 student Sahil Patil were both awarded scholarships which are valued at approximately $50k.

The scholarships cover the first three years of an undergraduate degree and the cost of travel home (to Hamilton) twice annually.

Jess and Sahil have both jumped at the opportunity to study premedical science as a pathway to medicine. Both students come from families of doctors, so it’s only natural that they follow in their parents very big footsteps.

Both students plan to study a premedical bachelor degree, which can provide a fast track entry into the University of Auckland’s undergraduate medical programme. Jess and Sahil will need to maintain a GPA of 6.0 (B+ average) in their first year to be eligible for consideration for fast track entry into second year medicine.

Both students have a minimum of six years study ahead of them, we wish them the best of luck.
