Touch rugby

St Paul’s Collegiate School offers touch rugby to students of all abilities.

The touch rugby programme runs in Terms 1 and 4 with anywhere between 40 to 60 students taking part in the sport. Training occurs on Tuesday and Thursday after school. If students are selected to represent the school in fixtures these will be held on Monday evenings at Swarbrick Park. Occasional Saturday training sessions do occur and these will be published in the student notices.

Senior students who wish to take part in touch rugby during Term 4 are advised to only enter the sport if they are committed to playing throughout the whole term, including during examination leave. This is to ensure that opposition teams are not let down by St Paul’s senior teams who do not turn up for fixtures or finish the competition.

We also have an elite touch team for students wishing to play at a higher level, with the hopes they will make it to nationals.

  • The levy for Touch Rugby is $20 per player to cover transport costs and competition entry if applicable.


Duncan Gundersen – Teacher in Charge
