Lawn Bowls

Lawn Bowls is offered to students in terms one and four. Previously, only senior students were offered Lawn Bowls as a summer sport option. However, in recent years the popularity of the sport has increased. More and more students enjoy the opportunity for competition. In 2022, nine St Paul’s students represented Waikato in a Secondary Schools Quadrangular Tournament in Hawke’s Bay. Moving forward, we are offering Lawn Bowls to junior students with the aim to give them the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge over a longer period of time.

  • Training days: Normally Tuesday and/or Thursday
  • Training location: St Paul’s Collegiate School or Claudelands Bowling Club

Numbers are limited as transport options to trainings are limited as is access to equipment. Therefore, we operate on a first in first served basis.

Cost: Approx $50

Teacher in Charge

Jane Spenceley
