Rules and conventions

School rules change from time to time. Such changes will be announced at assemblies and published on this website and throughout the school communication system.

Standards of conduct

Our aim is to maintain high standards in student behaviour and appearance. The reputation of St Paul’s Collegiate School depends on the awareness of all members, that to live in a happy, efficient and purposeful environment, personal discipline is essential.

The school will not tolerate any breaches of major school rules. The school reserves the right to require that any student breaching any such rule be suspended or withdrawn from school by his/her parents. Failing voluntary withdrawal, any such student may be expelled.

This policy applies to any act or behaviour which, in the headmaster’s opinion, amounts to misconduct that is harmful or a dangerous example to other students at this school.

Specifically, any breaches of the following rules will entitle the headmaster to suspend, require withdrawal or expel any student:

  • The use and/or possession of any drug prohibited by law
  • The consumption and/or possession of alcohol at school or whilst under school supervision
  • Breaches of bounds regulations (listed below)
  • The theft of money or property
  • Harassment
  • Gross misbehaviour
  • Repeated disregard for school rules
  • Recording of information on a social network such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter about the school, a member of staff or a fellow student.

The school also reserves the right to require withdrawal of a student or if necessary to expel a student in the event of gross misconduct or behaviour outside the school which, in the opinion of the headmaster, has brought or is likely to bring the school into disrepute.

General rules

Note: school rules change from time to time. Any changes will be announced at assemblies and published throughout the school communication system.

1. Good manners and good behaviour are expected at all times. Students are reminded that they are members of the St Paul’s community, whether they are at school or on holiday.
2. Students are expected to behave with consideration for other students at all times. Interfering with the rights of other students or their learning is not acceptable.
3. School bounds must be adhered to at all times.
4. The car park is out of bounds during the school day.
5. The borrowing of another person’s property without that person’s permission is not permitted.
6. All students must comply with leave, dress and hair regulations as published.
7. Deliberate or careless damage to any property is an offence. Offenders will be charged for breakages. Further consequences may also result.
8. Writing on the covers of textbooks, exercise books, desks, walls, doors or other inappropriate surfaces, is forbidden.
9. No personal adornments, except watches and medical alert bracelets, may be worn by students.
10. Except in the case of parents, a student must inform the person on duty in the House of any visitor he/she has in the school.
11. Possession and/or use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, solvents and other substances is forbidden. Vaping or being in possession of any vaping equipment or paraphernalia will be treated in the same serious manner as for those who use cigarettes and in the first instance will result in a Headmaster’s Suspension from school. Assistance will be offered to those who feel that they have an addiction.
12. Fireworks may not be brought onto or used on the school grounds. Aerosol deodorants are also forbidden.
13. No personal portable electronic devices may be used in or around classrooms. The Phones Away for the School Day policy can be found here.
14. The use of cars and motorbikes requires school permission while students are under school authority. Students may not transport other students without the appropriate permission.
15. Bicycles may only be ridden outside the area bounded by the chapel, hall and the health clinic. Helmets must be worn by all students riding bicycles.
16. Skateboards, roller blades and similar equipment are not to be used in the school grounds.
17. Inappropriate use of electronic media such as social networks Facebook and Twitter is unacceptable.

Appointments out of school

As far as possible, appointments (e.g. dental, medical, driving) should be scheduled out of school hours so that the pattern of learning is not interrupted. However, if this is not possible, and the appointment takes place during class time, the student must present a note from the parent or housemaster, or an appointment card at the school office before leaving the school grounds, and sign out. On arrival back at school, the student should sign in at the school office.

Attendance, punctuality, truancy

Students are not to be absent from class without the specific written approval from their subject teacher, housemaster, senior teacher or parent.

Once the bell rings, students should move promptly to class, enter the classroom in the presence of the teacher and get themselves ready for the lesson. School begins with roll calls at 8.05am, those who arrive late must sign in at the school office where they will be given an Admit to class slip for their teacher.

Where a student is identified as being truant, they will be required to make up the time they have missed from class and catch up on the work they have missed.


We are judged as a school by our public behaviour, so the following rules are most important to uphold the school’s reputation.

1. Students must be well dressed at all times.
2. Courtesy, politeness, and consideration towards passengers and transport officials, to shopkeepers and the public in general, are to be observed at all times. Students are expected to be standing at all times when talking to adults, with hands out of pockets.


1. No student may leave the school grounds during the school day (8.10am – 3.30pm) without staff and parental permission.
2. Boarders may visit local shops (Davies Corner and Chartwell Square) after seeking and gaining permission from their housemaster.
3. No boarder may leave the school grounds at any other time without their housemaster’s permission.
4. Out of bounds areas within the school grounds are:

  • The service area behind the kitchens and areas used by maintenance and grounds staff
  • The kitchen and dining hall areas between meals
  • Staff common room, workroom, staff room stairs and balcony
  • All teaching areas outside class times (this includes classrooms, laboratories, workshops and hall)
  • Houses and their grounds to non-house members without appropriate permission
  • The car park during the school day.

Buildings and amenities


1. The chapel is an area of quiet retreat. Students are expected to reflect this in their behaviour. Talking must stop upon entry to the chapel.
2. All day students are expected to attend Tuesday and Thursday services, as well as designated Sunday evening house service twice.
3. Boarders will attend chapel service on Sunday evenings unless it is a leave weekend. This is in addition to chapel services on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
4. Tracksuit jackets and winter coats must be removed prior to entering the chapel.


1. Classrooms are out of bounds outside of teaching hours unless staff permission has been granted.
2. Classrooms must be used for quiet study only.
3. Eating and drinking is not permitted in classrooms.


1. No food or drink is to be consumed in the gym.
2. No gymnastic equipment is to be used unless supervised by a physical education teacher.
3. Participation in gymnasium activities is only to occur when students are changed into appropriate clothing and footwear.
4. Leave bags and valuables in lockers provided in the changing rooms. St Paul’s Collegiate does not assume liability for any losses.
5. No equipment is to be removed from this room.

Hockey AstroTurf

1. Only authorised persons are to use the turf.
2. During anytime that the turf is in use, there shall be at least one adult designated as the supervisor who will supervise the turf at all times.
3. Only those persons who are authorised directly by the school may operate the lights, spray guns or pumps. Those persons who are not part of either the St Paul’s Collegiate School staff, coaching team or contracted grounds staff must first arrange to meet with staff. Contact phone numbers are as follows:

  • Grounds maintenance 021 127 5216 or 021 256 6087
  • Director of Extracurricular Activities 029 201 3947
  • School Reception 07 957 8899

4. Nets, cables, supports and mechanisms are only to be adjusted by staff.
5. The turf is not to be used unless watered first and at least two hourly thereafter.
6. Only appropriate sports footwear is permitted on the turf. No school shoes or sandals are to be worn on the surface.
7. Please clean any grass, mud or dirt from the soles of shoes before entry.
8. No food is to be consumed on the turf.
9. No dogs or other animals on the turf.
10. Any blood spilt on the turf must be cleaned off immediately and sprayed with the appropriate cleaner.
11. In an emergency call for help:

  • Health Clinic (first aid kit) at north end of tennis courts, phone 957 8820
  • Reception 957 8899
  • Ambulance 111

Swimming pool

1. No students are to use the pool unsupervised.
2. Children under eight years are not permitted in the swimming pool area unless supervised by a person at least 16-years-old.
3. During any session when the pool is in use, there shall be at least one adult designated as the swimming pool supervisor who will supervise the pool at all times. The number of additional supervisors required will be determined by the number of swimmers.
4. Entrance to the swimming pool must be gained through the gates. The pool gate and or doors to the pool shall be securely closed at all times.
5. Behaviour that could be considered dangerous, such as running, pushing, holding under and screaming, is prohibited.
6. No food or drink is to be consumed in the swimming pool area unless authorised by the pool supervisor.
7. In an emergency call for help:

  • Health clinic (first aid Kit) at north end of tennis courts, phone 957 8820
  • Reception 957 8899
  • Ambulance 111

8. Swimming times:

  • Students: Mon – Sat 6.45am – 5.15pm, 6.30pm – 9.00pm; Sunday 6.45am – 12.30pm, 2.00pm – 5.00pm, 6.00pm – 9.00pm
  • Staff: Mon – Sat 5.15pm – 6.30pm; Sunday 12.30pm – 2.00pm, 5.00pm – 6.00pm

Weights room (fitness centre)

1. Only authorised persons are to enter the room and use the equipment.
2. There shall be at least one adult person present at all times.
3.Leave bags and valuables in lockers provided in the changing rooms. St Paul’s Collegiate does not assume liability for any losses.
4. No equipment is to be removed from this room.
5.Avoid banging or dropping weights.
6. Return weights/equipment to their designated place.
7. Share equipment – allow others to work out with you.
8. Wear only appropriate sports footwear and clothing at all times.
9. Wear deodorant and regularly wash workout gear.
10. Use a towel when working out.
11. Wipe equipment after use.
12. No food is to be consumed in the fitness centre.
13. No chewing gum in the fitness centre.
14. No performance enhancing foods or drinks are permitted.
15. Respect others at all times and comply with gym etiquette.
16. Any blood spilt must be cleaned off immediately and sprayed with the appropriate cleaner – under AV/TV tuner box.
17. The fitness centre is monitored by CCTV for security purposes only.
18. In an emergency call for help:

  • Health Clinic (first aid kit) at north end of tennis courts, phone 07 957 8820
  • Reception 07 957 8899
  • Ambulance 111

19. Any damage to equipment is to be notified immediately – leave voice mail message if necessary:

  • Grounds maintenance 021 127 5216 or 021 256 6087
  • Director of Extracurricular Activities 029 201 3947
  • School Reception 07 957 8899

Period 7 Detention

  • These run for up to a maximum of 30 minutes, held during either interval, lunch or after school (if after school ensure no buses or transport will be missed)
  • They are supervised by the issuing teacher in their classroom
  • The details of the Period 7 are recorded on PC Schools.
  • If a student does not turn up to Period 7, the classroom teacher can issue an ASD
  • For repetitive offenders the Housemaster must be notified.

Interval Detention

  • These run from 10:20 am–10.35 am every school day in E16.
  • They are supervised by the duty Housemaster/Deputy Housemaster
  • Students are to work quietly on schoolwork or read

After School Detention (ASD)

  • These run from 3:35pm–4:30pm on Wednesdays and Fridays in E20.
  • They are supervised by the duty staff & Prefects.
  • Students must be clearly informed by the staff member concerned that they have a detention issued. The school will email a reminder.
  • Details of the Detention MUST be recorded on PC Schools.
  • Students are to complete set work or copy out the school rules or complete requested jobs (i.e. Setting up for a function etc).

Deputy Headmaster’s Detention (DHD)

  • These are completed on Wednesdays with the Associate Headmaster and Prefects from 3.35pm to 5.00pm in the library.
  • Students will be notified in person and an email reminders will be sent.
  • Details of the Detention MUST be recorded on PC Schools.
  • Students are to complete set work or copy out the school rules or complete requested jobs (i.e. Setting up for a function etc).

In-School Duty

  • These run from 8:00am onwards on any non-school day.
  • They are supervised by a member of the SLT or SLG or Facility staff.
  • Students and their caregivers must be clearly informed by the SLT member issuing the consequence that they have the detention and what the expectations are. They are to be issued with a detention notification via an email from PC Schools, indicating which day the student has the detention.
  • This takes priority over all other co-curricular activities.
  • Dress will either be No.1’s or school Tracksuit depending on the set activities for the duty

Dining hall

1. All meals are compulsory for boarding students unless excused by housemasters.
2. All day students must attend lunch.
3. The queue must be orderly with no queue jumping.
4. Anyone wishing to enter out of normal order must have written permission from a member of staff and hand this to the teacher or prefect on duty.
5. Courtesy and good manners towards dining hall staff are expected.
6. Any complaints should be directed to the teacher on duty.
7. Students are to only what food they need and are encouraged to avoid waste.
8. No food is to be taken from the dining hall.
9. Spillages are to be cleared up immediately.
10. Breakages must be cleaned up immediately and reported to the kitchen manager.
11. Students should leave the dining hall as soon as the meal is eaten.
12. Chairs must be pushed in when leaving or stacked as directed by staff.
13. All utensils, trays, crockery must be neatly stacked in the trays provided in the wash area.
14. All uneaten food must be put in the receptacles provided.

Food consumption/litter

All litter is to be placed in bins.

All food and drink is to be consumed in the areas laid down as follows: the dining hall, house environs or the grounds away from the classroom areas, at morning break, lunchtime and out of school hours. No eating/drinking will be permitted in or around classrooms during the school day; and in or around the library, the hall, the chapel or the gymnasium, except on specially organised occasions.

Gum is forbidden.


If a day student is staying home because of illness, parents should phone the school office before 8.30am. On returning to school, absences should be explained by a dated note from parents to the housemaster, giving the reason for the absence and setting out the duration of the absence.


St Paul’s has a well-defined set of rules governing leave arrangements. These are for the benefit and protection of students, parents and the school.

1. No student may leave the school grounds during the school day without appropriate permission.
2. All leave during the school day (8.30am-3.30pm) must be entered in the school “gate book” which is in the school office.

Boarder leave

Detailed arrangements and procedures can be found in the boarding handbook.


The practice of spitting is unacceptable and not permitted.


1. Road code rules must be observed.
2. Bicycles are not to be ridden (they must be pushed) in the central school area.
3. Helmets must always be worn by students riding bicycles.
4. Cycles may not be ridden on the sports fields.
5. Students may enter and leave the school grounds on a bicycle via Casper Street , but must dismount at gate.
6. Cyclists are required to own a reflective vest, which is to be worn after sunset if travelling to and from the school.
7. Pedestrians – must give way to vehicular traffic.
