Venture Forth With Faith

Venture Forth With Faith

28 November 2023

The 2023 Leavers have gifted a stunning piece of art to St Paul’s Collegiate School – a corten-steel deer crafted by renowned sculptor Sean Crawford of Carterton.

Inspired by the school motto, 'Stand in Your Faith,' Sean designed the sculpture to encapsulate symbols significant to the school. Sean took the time to immerse himself in the school’s spirit, understanding its students, staff, and mana, and translated that experience into creation.

The honeycomb wall

The corten-steel panel (wall), with its honeycomb, represents the hive or school community—a place of production through education, development, nurture, and protection. The honeycomb design symbolizes the 'fruits of knowledge,' illustrating the gentle formation of individuals through faith-based values.

The deer

The sculpture also includes a majestic corten-steel deer, symbolising the student body with its grace, beauty, and strength. Reflecting a thirst for spiritual knowledge and a determined stride toward the future, the deer embodies both individual and collective strength within the school community.

The bees

Steel bees, another component of the artwork, directly relate to hive dynamics. They symbolise the essential work within the collective—each bee contributing its worth as it forges its path. Maintaining a collective relationship, the bees come together to form both the deer (student body) and the hive (school), embodying the spirit of venturing forth with faith into the wider community.

This artwork beautifully embodies the spirit of venturing forth with faith and leaves a legacy for St Paul’s Collegiate School.
